Student access to IT resources within Strathmore Secondary College requires a Network Account Accounts are created when the student enrolment is complete. Username: All students are given a "Cases ID". This is unique to each student and is used as their username. Cases ID's are in the format ABC1234. Password: Students are provided with a password. This is unique to their username. This account gives access to school computers and Compass. A separate username and password is provided for wireless network, email and G Suite access. School Network Computers Students are required to login with their username and password. Each year level is given access to resources for their curriculum requirements. School related files can be stored on the students Google Drive, and are accessible both within the school and externally. Compass Access Parent Access - Compass Help Student Access - Students use their school account username and password to access Compass. If a student cannot access Compass, they are using an incorrect username or password. Passwords are available from team coordinators or the IT Office in B Corridor. Strathmore Compass Website Student Email Students are provided an email address through G Suite. Users can access their email using either a web browser (Chrome, Internet Explorer, Safari) or configuring a mail client (Outlook, Apple Mail, iOS Mail App). Student email addresses are their DET provided username- Configuring email client help is available here - Google Email Setup |